

Direct Response Copywriter

Russ Banister colour 5x7 (1)

Russ Banister – Direct Response Copywriter in Kelowna

As a Kelowna copywriter, I’ve seen some pretty amazing advances in marketing. The Internet has changed the way we do business. No more can a person build a business using marketing strategies that were successful years ago. Without an online presence, your business will never reach maximum profit potential.

I should know, I’ve been earning my living using the Internet for the last several years. And in that time, things have changed dramatically. Email open rates are dropping… Google changes their algorithms… A giant emerges in a field that barely existed a decade ago. (Facebook and social media!)

“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t” – Anon

You need to have an online profile, just to compete. But maybe you don’t know where to start. Or where to end. An online marketing strategy can bring customers to your door… or even open up new channels of distribution.

Kelowna Direct Response Copywriter Helps Local Company Sell into US

For instance, I know of one local business who now ships products all over the United States thanks to their online marketing. This is a market that never existed for them until they got online.

Or maybe you’re already online, but your site is buried on page 11 of Google. Nobody EVER goes that deep – unless they’re doing research – to find a solution to their current problem. If you’re not on the first couple pages, you’re nowhere!

And even if you do get to rank in the top pages, you still need to convert those visitors to prospects. The Internet is a fantastic place to gather leads to market to… IF you know what you’re doing.

Converting those leads into orders is the job of a master direct response copywriter. Copywriting has been referred to as “Salesmanship in Print.” If you bring those valuable leads to a website that doesn’t convert them into buyers, then you’ve wasted your money. That’s the job of direct response copywriting. To convert your visitors into buyers.

These are the concepts I work with on a daily basis. Having trained as a professional copywriter, I found that without some web knowledge and experience, my skillset was limited. By adding these other area: Search Engine Optimization, Facebook Marketing, Lead Generation, Email Marketing, effective Websites and more, I could help my customers to the fullest.

Now I’m able to help you use these tools to grow your business the same way I’ve grown mine. Let’s get started! This Kelowna direct response copywriter is here to serve your business interests.

